Comedy is a Necessity

Christopher Reeve's best friend in life was Robin Williams. As I mentioned on here before, comedy is a necessity to get through life with the fewest scars. So always keep funny friends around you. Humor is the best antidote to help relieve all struggles.

Comedy is a necessity to get through life with the fewest scars. Humor is the best antidote to help relieve all struggles. - Suzy Kassem
"Comedy is a necessity to get through life with the fewest scars. Humor is the best antidote to help relieve all struggles."
 -- Suzy Kassem

What is Truth?


Truth is not a thing
Or a concept.
It is as multidimensional
In its meaning
As it is in its reflection.
It is both invisible
And visible.
It carries tons of weight,
But can be carried.
It is understood first through the spirit
Before science,
And felt in the heart,
Before the mind.
Truth is not always heard by reason,
Because reason sometimes
Ignores Truth.

Always listen to your conscience.
Your conscience is your heart
And reason is your mind.
Your mind is there to reason
With your heart.
But remember,
Truth is in your heart,
And only through your heart
Can you connect to the light of God.
He who is not motivated by his heart
Will not see Truth.
And he who thinks only with his mind,
Will be blind to Truth.
He who does not think
With his conscience,
Does not stand by God,
For the language of light
Can only be decoded by the heart.
He who reads and recites words of God
Also does not stand by God –
If he merely understands
Words with his mind
But not his heart.

Truth is black and white,
And the entire spectrum
Of colors in-between.
It can have many parts,
But has a solid foundation.
Truth lacks perfection,
For it is the reflection of all,
Yet its reflection as a whole,
Is more beautiful
Than the accumulated flaws
Of the small.
Truth is the only brand
Worth breathing
And believing.
So stand for truth
In everything you do,
And only then
Does your life have

“WHAT IS TRUTH?” by Suzy Kassem, Copyright 2010.
All Rights Reserved. Also found in 'Rise Up and Salute the Sun'.

Beware of Those

suzy kassem poetry poems


Beware of those who are bitter,
For they will never allow you
To enjoy your fruit.

Beware of those who criticize you
When you deserve some praise for an achievement.
For they secretly desire to be worshiped.

Beware of those who are needy or stingy,
For they would rather sting you
Than give you anything.

Beware of those who are always hungry.
They will feed you to the wolves
Just to get paid.

Beware of those who speak negatively
About everything and everybody.
A negative person will
Never say a positive thing about you.

Beware of those who are bored
And not passionate about life.
They will bore you with reasons for not living.

Beware of those who are too focused with
Polishing and beautifying their outer shells.
They lack true substance to understand
That genuine beauty is in the heart
that resides inside.

Beware of those who step in the path of your dreams.
They only dream to have the ability
To take half your steps.

Beware of those who steer you away
From your heart's true happiness.
It would make them happy to see you
 Steer yourself next to them,
Sitting with both your hearts bitter.

Those who are critical don't like being criticized,
And those who are insensitive have a deficiency
In their senses.

And finally,
Beware of those who tell you to BEWARE.
They are too aware of everything –
And live alone, scared.

“Beware of Those” by Suzy Kassem, Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Also found in the book ‘Rise Up and Salute the Sun’ 2010.

Faith is the Emperor of Dreams





A great emperor is born from one tiny sperm.
A large eagle grows from one small egg.
A giant tree grows from one tiny seedling.
For the newborn and wise,
Everything begins small.
However, it is faith that builds
the staircase to your dreams.
Always have faith in yourself
And the universe –
For one will not get you anywhere
Without the other.
Both must be equally strong to reach your desires,
For they are the wings that will lift you to your dreams.
Not a single bird makes its first leap From a tree without faith.
And not a single animal in the jungle
Starts each day without faith.
Faith is the flame that eliminates fear,
And faith is the true emperor
of dreams.

Copyright 2002, Suzy Kassem. All rights reserved.

Supplemental Reading:

Remember the Lotus Flower

poetry suzy kassem poems


Great people will always be mocked by those
Who feel smaller than them.
A lion does not flinch at laughter coming from a hyena.
A gorilla does not budge from a banana thrown at it by a monkey.
A nightingale does not stop singing its beautiful song
At the intrusion of an annoying woodpecker.
Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower.
Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud,
It does not allow the dirt that surrounds it
To affect its growth or beauty.
Be that lotus flower always.
Do not allow any negativity or ugliness
In your surroundings
Destroy your confidence,
Affect your growth,
Or make you question your self-worth.
It is very normal for one ugly weed
to not want to stand alone.
Remember this always.
If you were ugly,
Or just as small as they feel they are,
Then they would not feel so bitter and envious
Each and every time they are forced
To glance up at magnificently
Divine YOU.

Copyright 2008, Suzy Kassem. All rights reserved.

Supplemental Reading: