Dear Suzy Kassem, I am very inspired by your quotes and "Stand for what is right even if you are standing alone." I am 9 years old and I chose you for our national essay competition and I hope you would have some advise for me.
Thank you from Zoey.
Hello Zoey!
This is Suzy Kassem and this letter is to be read by your parents today, but by you — nine years into the future.
If there are any lessons to share with you and your classmates, I would simply tell you to remember these six things:
1. Your mentality shapes your reality. Always think good thoughts and only use good words. The biggest secret in life is that words truly do have power. Never use negative words. Instead of saying “I CAN’T”, always say “I WILL”, “I AM” or “I CAN”. People with negative lives typically use negative words.
Did you know that in the Solomon Islands, the natives do not chop down unwanted trees? Instead, they hold hands around a tree they do not want and insult it until it dies and falls on its own. Please remember these words and you will be the wizard of your own harmony and destiny. Think before you speak and always speak positively — even to the baddest people.
2. Nothing and nobody in this world is worth fearing in this lifetime — except for your conscience and God. So always stand up for what you believe in regardless of the consequences. To stand up for something — anyone or anything — shows everyone that your conscience is very active and that you truly understand God. If you do this, you will always stand amongst the most beautiful flowers in this garden of concrete. Even if people threaten you or look down on you for your beliefs, deep down they will always respect you. Even your worst enemies. So always be the lion and never the sheep. Stand up for what is right regardless of who is committing the wrong.
3. Truth recognizes truth. This means that those with truth in them will also recognize others with truth in them. For example, a true artist with exceptional talent will be the first to spot another artist with extraordinary talent. A great thinker will recognize another great thinker, and so on. Therefore, a donkey can never judge a lion, the same way a lion can never judge a monkey.
Whatever school you attend, or whatever field you choose to be in one day, never take criticism seriously from anyone. Just because an art teacher is a teacher does not mean that they are the master of art. After all, if they truly were, then they would have been a successful artist and not just a teacher. If your basketball coach criticizes your moves or passes, this does not necessarily mean that you are a bad basketball player. It could simply mean that they secretly wish they had your skills, or are resentful that you are the very best player — and could be voted captain over their own kid. You will never know the intention behind someone’s criticism by their words alone. Therefore, it is equally important to study your critic’s pattern of past actions, record of current conflicts, and overall circumstance.
A negative person who is always speaking negative words will never say something positive to you — or about you. This is why you should only accept constructive criticism if it is true and helpful —and reject any criticism that is negative and destructive. Once you accept that all advice that you get in life comes from either a place of truth or negativity, you will grow up to be very wise. Again, always keep your words and thoughts positive no matter what.
4. Truth is rarely popular and what is popular is rarely the truth. To get to Truth, we must first filter through all that is untrue to know what it is really true. So before accepting any story from anyone, always do your own homework and always ask yourself before accepting the translation or interpretation of anything — what do I know of the interpreter, politician, reporter or teacher — and do I trust them? A person with a history of being untruthful is not suddenly going to be truthful if there is no truth in them. Always ask questions, do your own research and seek answers from within. The person who asks questions is more favored by God than the one who does not. Learn to think on your own, and always be a leader and never the blind follower.
5. Nothing threatens a corrupt system more than a free mind. So, as a lion, always be prepared for the arrows. You will get them, as I always have. However, if you do not stand up for anything or anyone at all, then you stand for absolutely nothing. Nobody will ever feel threatened by a coward, but they will always fear a lion. Remember these words.
6. Last, family is everything. Never sellout your parents for anyone. And even if you fight with your sister or brother today, in the future they will be your most trusted allies. We are here to love and to be of service to others. If you study the world and nature, you will discover that everything was born from love. Never use the word ‘hate’ or hate anyone. Even if you are being bullied, remember that the person being negative may be coming from a negative past, home, relationship or situation. Ignore all that does not come to you with love and in peace. There are billions of people in the world, and millions of them would love to be your friend.
This is written for you to read in the future, but to your beautiful parents to read in the now — to guide you through any obstacles that may affect your healthy evolution and peace of mind.
I love you and them.
Stay good, golden and original always!
Suzy Kassem
Hello Zoey!
This is Suzy Kassem and this letter is to be read by your parents today, but by you — nine years into the future.
If there are any lessons to share with you and your classmates, I would simply tell you to remember these six things:
1. Your mentality shapes your reality. Always think good thoughts and only use good words. The biggest secret in life is that words truly do have power. Never use negative words. Instead of saying “I CAN’T”, always say “I WILL”, “I AM” or “I CAN”. People with negative lives typically use negative words.
Did you know that in the Solomon Islands, the natives do not chop down unwanted trees? Instead, they hold hands around a tree they do not want and insult it until it dies and falls on its own. Please remember these words and you will be the wizard of your own harmony and destiny. Think before you speak and always speak positively — even to the baddest people.
2. Nothing and nobody in this world is worth fearing in this lifetime — except for your conscience and God. So always stand up for what you believe in regardless of the consequences. To stand up for something — anyone or anything — shows everyone that your conscience is very active and that you truly understand God. If you do this, you will always stand amongst the most beautiful flowers in this garden of concrete. Even if people threaten you or look down on you for your beliefs, deep down they will always respect you. Even your worst enemies. So always be the lion and never the sheep. Stand up for what is right regardless of who is committing the wrong.
3. Truth recognizes truth. This means that those with truth in them will also recognize others with truth in them. For example, a true artist with exceptional talent will be the first to spot another artist with extraordinary talent. A great thinker will recognize another great thinker, and so on. Therefore, a donkey can never judge a lion, the same way a lion can never judge a monkey.
Whatever school you attend, or whatever field you choose to be in one day, never take criticism seriously from anyone. Just because an art teacher is a teacher does not mean that they are the master of art. After all, if they truly were, then they would have been a successful artist and not just a teacher. If your basketball coach criticizes your moves or passes, this does not necessarily mean that you are a bad basketball player. It could simply mean that they secretly wish they had your skills, or are resentful that you are the very best player — and could be voted captain over their own kid. You will never know the intention behind someone’s criticism by their words alone. Therefore, it is equally important to study your critic’s pattern of past actions, record of current conflicts, and overall circumstance.
A negative person who is always speaking negative words will never say something positive to you — or about you. This is why you should only accept constructive criticism if it is true and helpful —and reject any criticism that is negative and destructive. Once you accept that all advice that you get in life comes from either a place of truth or negativity, you will grow up to be very wise. Again, always keep your words and thoughts positive no matter what.
4. Truth is rarely popular and what is popular is rarely the truth. To get to Truth, we must first filter through all that is untrue to know what it is really true. So before accepting any story from anyone, always do your own homework and always ask yourself before accepting the translation or interpretation of anything — what do I know of the interpreter, politician, reporter or teacher — and do I trust them? A person with a history of being untruthful is not suddenly going to be truthful if there is no truth in them. Always ask questions, do your own research and seek answers from within. The person who asks questions is more favored by God than the one who does not. Learn to think on your own, and always be a leader and never the blind follower.
5. Nothing threatens a corrupt system more than a free mind. So, as a lion, always be prepared for the arrows. You will get them, as I always have. However, if you do not stand up for anything or anyone at all, then you stand for absolutely nothing. Nobody will ever feel threatened by a coward, but they will always fear a lion. Remember these words.
6. Last, family is everything. Never sellout your parents for anyone. And even if you fight with your sister or brother today, in the future they will be your most trusted allies. We are here to love and to be of service to others. If you study the world and nature, you will discover that everything was born from love. Never use the word ‘hate’ or hate anyone. Even if you are being bullied, remember that the person being negative may be coming from a negative past, home, relationship or situation. Ignore all that does not come to you with love and in peace. There are billions of people in the world, and millions of them would love to be your friend.
This is written for you to read in the future, but to your beautiful parents to read in the now — to guide you through any obstacles that may affect your healthy evolution and peace of mind.
I love you and them.
Stay good, golden and original always!
Suzy Kassem