There is a great holy fountain that bursts from the heart of the universe, and from its divine waters — prophetic leaders, writers, thinkers, and speakers have become drunk and possessed from just one drop of its dew. This fountain is not something open for all to splash in; for the direction to its coordinates are decoded and guided only by a pure, selfless heart. Only God can direct one to its existence, and to enter the gateway to its heavenly garden; the key lies in Jeremiah 3:33, which heeds: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
I am here to tell many of you that God is very real, but there is something very scary about Him that many of you do not know. Like all of Nature, my Lord is extremely dual, meaning as gentle and forgiving as He can be, He can also be extremely harsh, unforgiving and unmerciful to those who dishonor his commands, commit sin, or who silence their conscience and voices when evil presents itself before them in its many forms.
All your thoughts and all your actions are picked up by Him and the ether forces of Nature, simultaneously with everyone else in the world; and nothing escapes His eyes and ears. This is a fact. Every negative action produces a negative consequence in your life, and every positive action produces only more positives to come. Even a little white lie you tell will trigger a host of problems, yet many people do not realize that a casual whim to be untruthful for whatever reason was the source of their rain of pains.
In today’s word, the heinous actions of one person can produce negative effects that affect the sum. The truth is, we are all connected to the magnetic core of all of of existence, and this is why the Lord urged us all to be good to each other, kind to one another, and to treat each other as we would like to be treated. Even to soil the earth or harm a fly comes with grave consequences (i.e. losing a job, falling sick, losing a business, or suddenly missing something we have come to love and cherish). Yet there is good news. This fountain does not discriminate due to age or race, but picks up on the coloring and weight of your own heart. The more intense its frequency and desire to connect to Truth, the more accessible the fountain becomes to you.
Your choices reflect your priorities, values and ultimate fate beyond the veil. So please, always choose as God would choose; for again, even though He cannot be seen, my Lord is extremely real.
This life is only a test. This world is one big mess. Our only mission in this lifetime is to pass beyond the veil as refined swans, not ugly ducklings. We are here to learn about what truly matters, to serve others, and to live and let live peacefully. But most importantly, we are here to learn gratitude even when we are faced with the worst adversity. And should one become a rat, and continue to act immorally without acknowledging any faults or sins, these people will have the worst end beyond the threshold. But if a rat were to suddenly decide to amend its ways to serve the greater good instead of its selfish self, the Lord will consider that rat a wise mouse and open His door for it to transform into a beautiful swan.
Again, my Lord is tender, kind and very forgiving, but also very extreme and cruel in His punishments. It is never too late to change your ways, but once you do, you cannot go back to how you were — or your punishment will be even worse than the position you were in before. That is the only catch.
You have been warned. Any soul that leaves this earth with a very light heart will float extremely high to return to its Maker. Any soul who leaves this earth with a heavy heart ridden with sin, will stay grounded and chained to the Hell it chose to worship over the wisdom and guidance of the Lord.
The heart is what decodes the language of light. Those with dark hearts will forever remain blind to everything. Do not bother fighting over religion, because in the end the Lord will only look at your heart to see if you understood His message. The heart is what carries the ultimate truth, not a label, affiliation or title.
Good luck to all!
Suzy Kassem
Suzy Kassem
**Art by Bram Leegwater