Forget the hopelessness and despair of yesterday, there is a beautiful flood of love and light coming our way.
That is because the age of Aquarius is finally here. Pay attention to all the activity around you.You will see its arrival on bumper stickers, on the walls of schools, on t-shirts, billboards and subway signage, and on the labels of many food items and toiletries found in groceries stores. Many brands have started with, or have later adopted, positive image logos, company names, or marketing campaigns surrounding "Mr. Roger's value system". It's true. You will find the words: kind, compassion, be good, give, share, unite, love, respect, universal, equal, humanity, peace, and ONE -- all over the place! The world is changing outside. Something surreal is happening on many positive levels. Hope really is on the horizon. I really do believe it.
You see, the Age of Aquarius is very unlike the Age of Pisces, which was an era of great deception, corruption, division, hatred, racism, tyranny, and LIES. It was symbolized by the two fishes swimming in opposite directions. In other words, it can seen like this -- one fish saying one thing, but meaning something else. Or, having two faces. But we do not have to worry about any of that negative turbulence anymore; for the doors of the fish have officially CLOSED.
So how does the age of Aquarius differ?
The Age of Aquarius can be pictured like this: a big body of "aqua" or "an ocean of consciousness" spreading its waters of love and healing all over the earth - where many people who were once very frustrated, confused, and afraid in the passing age of terror -- are finally waking up to feel the wetness of the incoming waves of love, compassion and unity that are now flooding the electromagnetic circuitry flowing all around us and within us. The same way autumn announces it arrival and turns a switch to automatically flip the biochemistry of nature, this God consciousness that is embracing mankind is affecting the entire human mental software using a similar process.
Now there is a catch, water captures thoughts and transmits them fast to the cosmic heart of the universe. So be very careful with your thoughts because they will shape your reality. Think only positive things. Speak kind words. Do not yell or amplify negative emotions. Think, act and speak just as God would. Show compassion instead of anger. Show love instead of hate. Think positively instead of negatively. Be optimistic and kind instead of bitter, envious, jealous or depressed. Again, this force is magnetic, as we are all magnets and the earth and entire universe are also MAGNETIC. If you want to change your life, think POSITIVE THOUGHTS ONLY.
How you think has an impact on our collective consciousness. If you want a brighter, beautiful world, then make sure your instrument (body and voice) produces only harmonious loving music. Forgive as you would want God to forgive you. Have patience and faith in others as you would want God to have patience and faith in you. Never think negative thoughts. Eliminate all FEAR and replace it with hope and faith. Do these things and you will finally get to enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life filled with true joy and happiness. Try it! IT WORKS!! Turn off the noise and shut out all fears; for God's love is here, there and EVERYWHERE. If you do not see or feel it, then perhaps you have abandoned keeping God in you. The last to wake up, or those who never will, are those who turned away from Him. This is the secret.
Now go outside, observe the world around you -- and say AMEN! The God Consciousness is finally HERE! It will ultimately heighten, accelerate, and increase in intensity as time passes, but it will also crash and fade its waves here and there. But do not worry, focus only on your blessings, the smallest miracles, the most meaningful things with only good thoughts -- and let your music play on. If someone throws any bad notes your way, never let them interrupt your song.
Just remember, YOUR MENTALITY SHAPES YOUR REALITY. Learn to control your vibrations and you will be the master of your own harmony!
I wish you all a fruitful and colorful 2020.
Suzy Kassem