Holding the Media Accountable for Lies and Mischief

To have a podium of power and a powerful communication channel to access the public - should come with great responsibility.

When you have the power to influence and control truth, knowledge, and public opinion - you should be held accountable for any discrepancies that may lead to bullying, racism, senseless deaths, division, and war.

The media has the power to UNITE a nation. It has the power to spread love and knowledge. It has the power to make the truly influential powerless - and the powerless influential.

The media has the power to turn friends into enemies and enemies into friends. It has the power to spread knowledge that could accelerate our evolution, or ignorance to force us into regression.

The media has the power to unite the world into one universal family. It can spread great ideas and program them into our minds just by sharing them, or it could spread hatred by announcing a bad idea or belief into the human psyche. It does not matter who said what or why, but if the media repeats a hateful statement, just by amplifying it to the masses - it gives that ugly thought power to condition beautiful minds into ugly ones.

With so much power, the media has the power to make us better humans with big hearts or ignorant humans with little minds and little hearts. It has the power to make us great friends and neighbors to all or segregate us from each other and the world.

The responsibility of the media is to keep us informed of things, discoveries, people and events that affect us as a whole. To share information that helps us not hurts us.

Any kind of hatred that gets repeated in the media gets conditioned into the human mind - maybe not yours, but others. Even if the news is not true. Even if the idea is not sound. Even if a phrase came from an idiot or bigot - just saying a bad idea gives it life; for had it not been shared, it would not have been born.

Woe to those who bear false witness against innocent men and women, any nation or religion. Any race, discovery, school of thought, fact, knowledge, creature, or soul. Woe! Those who afflict harm on the good and innocent, who suppress truths and merits, who spread lies and violence to divide or corrupt brothers and sisters, to fragment and weaken humanity and to fuel the greed of their masters, should be held accountable for the destruction they weave through their microphones and speakers! Woe to the wretched. Woe to those who abuse their power to serve the evil and the greedy.

Peace to the entire human family.

Your sister,

Suzy Kassem