Gather all children and the Brotherhood of Light,
So that you may all know the good news and wisdom of all the ages!
Do not fear the present or future;
For all the debris of the past is now being washed ashore;
The Brotherhood of Light has now returned to open the door
To allow the Ocean of Light of the new age
To wash away the darkness!
O' Children of yesterday and tomorrow!
The hour has come to reclaim the knowledge that was stolen from the Tree of Life
That has created such great imbalance and instability among you --
To force the wrong as wrong into the night--
And the right as right into the light!
O' Children of the right and left,
Did you forget that I could hear every whisper
All across the stars,
As before, across the Great Green --
From the Island of Bisu all the way to Sidon?
And now, wherever there is a river that meets the sea,
Or wherever there is salt or tears.
Then how could you forget that I can still hear you all today
In any place or at any point of time?
And how fast ye has forgotten the three truths?
There still is only one point to freedom -
And that is justice!
One point to truth -
And that is to LOVE!
And that only through both these points -
Will one be led and pointed to God?
O' Children of Darkness and Light!
You have pillaged and distorted the truths I had left behind -
And covered all the truths I left unlocked to share!
I had warned you of the unseen disguised as seen;
And those without souls that walk among you!
I had warned you of the angles and circles,
And that we would one day return after the skies and waters
Were filled with tears and blood!
Yet how fast have you all forgotten the wisdom I had left behind
Warning you of the age of deception and the plague of deceivers!
And because you ignored my warnings
You have allowed the scales to be reversed --
And ignorance, hatred, division, greed and apathy
To rule the earth!
How fast have ye forgotten about the fall of Atlantis?
How fast have ye forgotten about the fall of Rome and Egypt?
How fast ye have allowed truth to be corrupted -
And the corrupt to rape and hide all truths?
O' Children of mind and heart, soul and body!
With all the knowledge and wisdom that I have gained in my many lifetimes -
Have I ever used the stars to elicit harm on any soul --
Or to destroy Seth on behalf of Horus?
Have I ever used the toad and charms - to help Iset search and restore the parts of Osiris?
Have I ever called on the circles to prevent harm being done onto my nephew --
Or to protect lands from invaders or disease?
I warned against playing with the natural flow of circles, cycles and forces of Nature -
And using words and names to open doors that were meant to
Remain locked!
Have I ever summoned the shadows that hide in the darkness as a physician,
Or cast the stars against them to banish them as a magician?
Then why are my secrets, numbers and words being used for ye to destroy each other,
Divide men, women and children,
Hoard wealth and spill blood by the shading and arrival of every moon
And star?
O' Children of the young and old, the fools and the wise!
The time has come to reverse all the damage that has been done
With the use of my tools and knowledge;
For had you listened and observed,
Maat would not have been abandoned and ignored!
I have good news for the Brotherhood of Light,
Good news to open the doors to the new age of love and wisdom!
The stars will now work against the wicked who call them!
The moon will now curse the whispers of the unseen!
And any names called under its light or in dark angles --
Will be reversed to work against those who utter curses!
East will be west and west will be east.
South will be north and north will be south!
Everything will now be restored back to harmonious order;
For it is me, Tehuti --
I have returned to close the door on the darkness
And to restore the balance of All That Is and Ever Was!
Rejoice O' Children of He Who Is All!
The New Age of Light is finally here!
He who is still Tehuti.
Suzy Kassem poetry