The Way of Truth


When you crave the answer to any divine question,
And are prepared to abandon yourself
To Truth and Time to know it, 
You must first train yourself to distinguish 
All that is untrue to get to Truth,
And to do so,
Learn to interpret every word and line
With the heart and mind of 
A poet.

The language of Light
Can only be decoded by the heart,
And it has a very luminous
Mind and eye of its own.
However, if there is no truth in you,
You will not be able to see or recognize Truth,
So to you, nothing true will ever be

So learn to use your heart to recognize Truth
By dissecting it with the brightest light 
As it was intended to be shone.
This is the only way,
The right way of Truth,
And the only way it
Will ever be

The Way of Truth by Suzy Kassem, Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.