People need to stop thinking like cults, teams, associations, parties, my country - your country, my gang or yours...and look at each part of the world as part of their arm, leg, eyes, and heart. We are all one. Egypt will get a new leader that promises hope just like Obama, but these puppets are engineered by the same machine for the NWO dream. Sparks of revolutions will ripple over the next two years across the world (thanks to the courage of Tunisia and Egypt), but the world will stand at the same time as ONE once the youth stand up in America and realize they have feet and grounds to stand on. -SUZY KASSEM
Tides of Strides
People need to stop thinking like cults, teams, associations, parties, my country - your country, my gang or yours...and look at each part of the world as part of their arm, leg, eyes, and heart. We are all one. Egypt will get a new leader that promises hope just like Obama, but these puppets are engineered by the same machine for the NWO dream. Sparks of revolutions will ripple over the next two years across the world (thanks to the courage of Tunisia and Egypt), but the world will stand at the same time as ONE once the youth stand up in America and realize they have feet and grounds to stand on. -SUZY KASSEM