They exist within every industry and occupation around the world. They come from the streets, the farmlands, the deserts, and all walks of life. They lie, cheat, steal, and mislead. They are driven to make money - as much as possible, as fast as possible. They are often ignorant, lack compassion, uneducated, and insensitive. Yet, most importantly, they lack moral values and ETHICS.
You can find them driving around in the flashiest cars and owning the biggest houses. They act like they're elite, but lack basic common sense, good judgment, and the class of a blue blood elitist. They are called Green Blood because their blood only flows for money and they commonly amass their wealth via corrupt and unethical means.
That building contractor that sells luxury homes in the million dollar range, misleads his buyers into thinking they are buying "premium" property because his houses do look well-built to the eye; however, once inside, the walls are made thin with the cheapest materials. Knobs and hinges break off at the touch of a hand, and one buyer had his roof collapse on his kid's bedroom that now the child sleeps in the intensive care unit of a hospital. These developers exist everywhere and they build hazardous buildings using the cheapest resources - and charge 10X what the property is actually worth. Green blood.
That doctor in Beverly Hills that is charging $50 for a full needle of Botox has customers lined up outside his door when he arrives to his newly opened office each morning in his Hummer. After a month of providing his rejuvenating services, several customers, including one well-known Hollywood celebrity charged him with mixing water and urine into their Botox injections. Green blood.
That distributor that provides children lunches to public schools, charges the city .50 cents per each kid's meal and claims prices went up with his wholesalers. In reality, he only pays a dime for the total cost of the products used to make one school lunch per child. He assures the school district that he is buying middle of the range products, but in reality, he is buying cans of food from big wholesale businesses for deep discounts -- for near expiration products. Then, he changes the dates on the cans to make them look new. Green blood.
That senator in Washington, who cheated his way through school, is over 60 years old, still owes money for his student loans, left his wife and children for a 20-year old intern, and takes all the monetary donations from his constituents and supporting businesses to travel around the world with his honey on his private jet because she gets high off of achieving orgasms thousands of feet up in the air. In the meantime, the school's in his district are cutting teachers, the poverty and crime rates are increasing, and all he cares about is that his wife Susan doesn't get access to any of his bank accounts. Green blood.
In America, green blood sustains itself even in failing economies. In Arab countries, green blood multiplies to create relationships built on bribes and corruption: with officials at borders, customs offices, immigration personnel, importing and exporting patrol, and police. In Europe, they work for banks and media companies. They alter numbers, smudge results, dilute products, and will annihilate competition (humans or brands) for a cost. They are everywhere. While the ethical citizens of this earth work HARDER to stay afloat in our unstable economy, the green bloods work LESS and steal MORE.
They are created at all ages. They create themselves. They take shortcuts to success. They could be within your circle of friends or in your family. They have snake and rat-like personalities. They are often manipulative charmers that smile to your face but have deeply hidden motives. They lack standard manners and usually take more than they sincerely give. They will lie to you with an angelic smile and play the role of a true friend just to cheat you.
Green Bloods are degrading and demoralizing the world. They are annihilating all standards for a decent society. Nowadays to get ahead, you have to deal with green blood cliques. If your hands are clean, they won't let you get ahead unless you play their games. If you are threatening with your honorable intentions or work style, they will get their green blood "affiliates" to stand in your way. Since ancient times, green bloods have existed. Yet, in today's world, they have multiplied at such a rapid speed that it's easier to get ahead by becoming one of them -- and that is exactly what's happening in these turbulent and stressful times.
Stay good. Be true to you and stay close to Truth. Once the whole world turns green blood, red will only be eaten. Mark these words.
Starting today, only do what is right and STAND UP for all that is right -- regardless of cost. Your actions, no matter how big or small, will make a difference to the greater vibration. Do it for the world. Do it for your children. BE HONEST AND FAIR ALWAYS. Let's upgrade the goodness for a better future. Be good and work at being good. Play fair to defeat the Green. If you accept their discounts and bribes, even if you need their offers, you are working against the greater vibration.
Believe it. The Eye can see and hear it.
-- Suzy Kassem