1- Think of a good simple message and amplify it. If you hold a candle in the mirror, you can light up a whole room. Make use of walls and visible public platforms to reflect your messages. If we all vibrated good messages, eventually the international public will be forced to receive them.
2- Gather supporters who think like you and are driven for peace like you. The more people working towards the Truth mission, the more light we can spread faster and over vaster territories.
3 - Be patient. Results are not immediate. It takes a great number of repetitive impressions before it leaves a lasting imprint on people's minds. Stay with your message until you start seeing changes. Be persistent and stay determined. This is the key to our success.
4 - Unite with other tribes - worldwide. There are MILLIONS of people around the world hoping for true change to take place. WE are all in this together and will stand together starting RIGHT NOW. Vibrate the changes you want knowing there are millions backing you. WE ALL WANT CHANGE. You are all the drummer children needed to stand up for change. Stand up. Start drumming until your message is trendy, then create another one.
5 - Know that there will always be invisible forces working against you as a Truth warrior. The more Light in your composition, or the more Light you are capable of amplifying, the more resistance you will meet. Be prepared. We are all ready to meet the resistance. You are not alone.
6- To create change, know that you have to sincerely believe it will happen. Don't waste time with people that act like they care but want other people to create the changes for them. Change makers have always been the minority, and because of their determination, vibration, and inner strength, they have succeeded to overcome the other minority who control the majority. This is all true so believe it. A better world IS POSSIBLE and will only happen if we fight for it. Surround yourself with True people in the battle for Truth. It is the only way She will win.
7 - If you feel like you are the only person in your neighborhood, community, state, or country who cares about doing something for the current plight of the world, then go outside and bang your drum alone. Your light COUNTS big time! Every additional warrior COUNTS. Your vibration COUNTS. We need you as an amplifier and receiver. We need light revolutionaries stationed in every country. When we beam light separately from our location, it will be intercepted by the rest, and magnified worldwide. If we all work with the same mindset, we can create a motherboard that collectively resonates our mental and spiritual energies internationally - across land and seas. BELIEVE IT. Your message can be heard in Tokyo if you are in Detroit. By all of us amplifying, all our thoughts are transmitted FAR AND WIDE. This is how trends happen suddenly at the same time! We were born telepathic. We transmit views and attitudes to each other every day and don't realize it. Believe in your mental powers. Believe in your message. The more you believe in your message, the more others will believe in it too. This is real.
Now, what is your message and how will you create it? Where will you put it? And how do you plan to transmit it? Through what tool, channel, medium or art?
Think about that first. Your message. Once you have found the expression of your soul, seek out others like you to create a rainbow. Be creative. Be different. Be VERY LOUD.
The time is now. Now is the time.
JANUARY 5 2010