"There is something called the circle of giving. You pass a dollar around and round...until someone pockets it. We won't know we have reached the ultimate state of universal peace until we can pass a dollar around the world and it actually makes it across the globe. In these times, you can be good and good and good and you deal with retards that don't understand that they got to
pass it forward. To evolve, pass things forward. Stagnant folks are dead air and don't help our real purpose - to evolve, to cycle, keep the good times flowing. When you see a rat, no matter how close a friend or relative...nail them. WE have to. So everybody understands the natural cosmic way of the open universe = Harmony. To create the harmony, we need the perfect symphony - study whales and dolphins. Study harmonics. Study animals. Study of the cycle of life. Study the seasons, aging, crop rotation, cycle of birth, the planets and stars, everything goes around and around. You pocket that dollar, you are of no value to this existence. If you see that dollar look ragged and reach in your pocket for a stronger bill (ex.), you are of value to this turning we are all currently experiencing. If you are not aware of the movements going on above our heads and below our feet right now, then I can already discount those who are of no use to our evolution - tons. Relationships are dissolving all over the place, personal awakenings and breakthroughs are in the air. People are becoming more aware of who they are and what they want. Shifts are everywhere. Headaches are common. Instability in any kind of relationship is to be EXPECTED. Whats true will part and what is not will come closer. at the same time, what is meant to be will become a reality and what is your current reality will fade to illusion. This is the time to seek help within. To find out who you are and what means most to you. Follow the light whatever it may mean to you. Fill your lives with light and more lights so you feel alive and open. Close the doors to fluorescents and remove their essence from your walls and floors."