It should not matter -
That we grew up
On opposite banks,
Opposite streets,
The opposite
Side of the tracks,
Or opposite ends of
The social ranks.
It should not matter
What your father did
Or what was his blood,
As long as you are good
And full of love.
It should not matter
That you have more than me
Or that I know more than you,
Or what my job is,
Or where I went to school
For we are all equal --
And it's only our polarities that
Makes us so unique,
Individually resourceful,
And every human useful.
It should not matter
That the media wants to
Keep dividing us
By constantly reminding us
That we are from different sects -
With labeled and
Racial and stereotypical
Characteristics and
And that there are rules
Set for every age,
Religion, class and sex.
"Sign over here.
Put an X in the box,
Then step to the left
So I can see
Whose next?"
Nobody should ever feel
Like just another statistic,
And nobody
Should ever feel
Above or below the rest.
Remember to
Stand up for yourself
Before you stand up to
Rip the test.
Stand up for all that's unfair
And speak out for what's
Always right and best.
It should not matter
If you are Chinese,
Arab, Israeli or Cuban.
If you seriously do realize
That we are all just human.