If you're in a relationship where your "love" feels the same as in the last relationship, then you're in love with being in relationships, but not in love. If you're in a loving relationship, but still feel incomplete, then you're not in a loving relationship that's right for you. No love is perfect, but there are perfect "synergies" out there that will always keep love stimulating. Different people need different frequencies of love. When you're in love with THE ONE, parts of you that have been dormant will all of a sudden come out and stars will shoot from your eyes. You are stronger, not weaker than before. You know you are content because you can't imagine achieving a higher love with anybody else.
As I've mentioned on here before, there are different grades of love. Some "chemical or cosmic" formulas are more intense than others. For example, your girlfriend may complain about driving down the street just to get a bag of chips, but if this old high school guy friend calls out of the blue one day and wants her to come over and bring some salsa and chips - two states over, she's out the door! Many people divorce just because they find someone they have better chemistry with. It's unavoidable. That's why it's important you seek out the best chemical combination possible before you seal the deal. Cosmic and spiritual aspects at play can make circumstances inevitable.
So back to a body being just another body. I realized now in my early 30s, that I seriously could love anyone. I could love seven at the same time. After all, a body IS just a body. But what I want is the perfect SOUL for the perfect chemistry. One that compliments mine so that in the end, it is not just another body to hold at night, for they all feel the same. What really makes a body, somebody, stand out from the rest is how they make me feel. Not how they look, what they do, how they dress, cook or make me the best sauce. I don't care about their talents or skills. I don't care what they can do for me professionally. I don't care if a body is jobless or worth millions. In the end, not just anybody can make me feel super high - without a drug.
- Suzy Kassem