If you take a ball and place it in the air, it will surely drop unless there's something underneath forcing it upward - like hard air or a hard rush of water. However, if this ball could automatically spin immediately as soon as you released it, in every direction at super fast speed, it would float. It would float the same way the planets stay grounded in flotation - while in rotation.
Another however. If that ball you drop needs some other force to hold it upward, then how could it stay planted in the air like the planets - without any help?
There's another factor in the planetary flotation equation that is often left out of the books. First, electromagnetism. The magnetic energy created from the "humming" sound of the spinning planets, floating debris, the movement of clusters throughout the universe - all create a sonic current that keeps things in the air. This galactic symphony is super high in synergized magnetic vibration. Besides floating or traveling, sound can also raise and mend objects at certain frequencies, including gold.
You can open portals within your mind or in the universe via three means: sound, light, or super select minerals of crystalline nature. These minerals that can unlock everything we want to do and know about, can be triggered with sound or light to do amazing things (or deadly, like even the H-Bomb). Crystalline minerals can also be converted to light, because crystals at super cold temperatures release light. This is also how the deepest of ocean floors light up at night. At depths beyond what the human can experience are beds of crystalline rock that light up when the bottom floor drops in temperature after the sun has long departed. Beyond what our eyes can see, are realities we wouldn't even be able to imagine. I will tell you that at extreme depths of our oceans and seas, are worlds that operate by this crystalline energy and light, and they communicate at extremely high pitches that via water it will sound like they are next to you even if they are miles away. Same with dolphins. These beings of high energy fields can create ship wrecks, whirlpools and storms by manipulating sound currents. The same thing happened at Tsunami, New Orleans, Atlantis, The Light Age in Egypt. However, it was not the light beings, on earth, sky, or sea, that created any of the world disasters, except Atlantis, which happened accidentally by tweaking frequencies at the earth's energy grid which outraged the giant flood. In this age, as with the last several, it is evil that is playing God.
Electromagnetism is essentially a mixing of both sound and light at a calculated speed of vibration. Imagine the current coming from your radio amplified 700X in frequency. Now, you may understand why the FCC controls the frequencies coming from our radios and TVs. Sound is a very powerful medium for change, to move things, to vibrate, to resonate.
Sound stimulates more sound. Sit on a patio on a dead Sunday and suddenly start talking on a cell phone. In due time, you will have stimulated sound to come from somewhere else...and so on. That is the trick to vibration. Start something once, twice, or three times and you will eventually land a "note" that will ripple. Understand how harmony and vibration work, and suddenly you will look at your life like one big music class. It is true when they say music is life. It's just that. Once you understand this whole concept, you even start to read people via tones. You will understand how vibration is the core of the spirit.
Class experiment: Get a vibraphone or xylophone and a harp or lire. To get this stuff, go to a music class, borrow from some band student...whatever. Try this at home.
If you play a harp or lire at a constant repetitive dreamy frequency, you will feel your soul get lifted even though the music sounds as if it's to put you to sleep. It will awaken a lot up. There's something about the tones of the harp that puts you in a deep reflective state. The vibrations if amplified at the right tone, and as if someone is pulling at the same strings in a fast slapping matter, can propel even an aircraft. I kid you not. Don't knock it, until someone out there actually tries it.
Now how do you bring that aircraft or the soul back down once it's elevated. Shake a bell or rattle a sistrum, or if you are using a xylophone, hit the highest note abruptly. By doing this, all existing vibrations in the air are disturbed and cleared away. So the harp will take you up or transdimensionally across depending on the state you are in, and the vibraphone tone will bring you back down. If someone you know is in an irritable mood, play something with vibra-tones in it. It will stabilize their mood.
Choose a time of day where it is quiet outside but you know people are around. Take a boombox and blare it out your window then record how long it takes for you to suddenly hear people talking loudly in party mode, moving around you making sounds, or simple transactions of sound stirred from the sound you initially triggered. Just remember, that for every reaction, there is an equal or opposite reaction. Meaning, you may create a good vibe from your musical selection, or have a rock thrown at your window. Sound always generates some kind of reaction. And lastly, our hearts resonate at the same frequency as the earth and the universe. Therefore, we are all valuable instruments in the orchestration of the world and its harmony. We must always be aware of the vibrations we emit individually and collectively. Always be in command of your music. Only you can control and shape its tone. If life throws you a few bad notes or vibrations, don't let them interrupt or alter your song. Suzy Kassem 10.17.09