If you should stumble upon this posting, consider it meant for you.
1. Starting today, you will start thinking about the causes and issues that really create a stir in you. Write them all down.
2. Choose the issue(s) that you feel your skills and talents could be of value the most, a plus, positive contribution, an asset to the mission, in helping them reach their objective. Choose that one cause where your personal being could push the organization or issue further towards success. Zero in on that issue.
3. Now on your own, do your own research on how that issue can be resolved, no matter how big and limitless it may be. What steps can you take to help erase the problem? Take notes. Address what needs to be done, who to talk to, follow the trail, and eliminate any doubt that you cannot solve the problem.
4. Rally up and start building an army of supporters. Believe it or not, there are tons and tons of compassionate people who want to do something good for the world but don't know how and now is a good time to find folks who want to be involved in anything, but just don't know where to find you. Address people like you in your community and share with them your plan on creating a community project to address your problem. Your problem should slowly become everyone's problem. Your passion in this problem should be enough to get people with you or behind you - if it is real. Every problem must have a map made by you, and lists of things to be done made by you, and a list of the positions and hats to be filled with clear instructions on how this problem will be attacked and erased.
Make sure you have a clear list itemizing each step that needs to be taken and every possible action that can be taken to maximize your efforts to eliminate the problem. In other words, your list should not be just 3 things, it should have hundreds of items on there, detailing exactly how everything can be done. Make copies of these lists and have them available for every single being that joins your team, no matter at what level, so these ideas spread.
We want to pump out HOWs into the electromagnetic hemisphere - east to west and west to east. Before you start in your neighborhood, start at home. Before you start in your city, start in your neighborhood. Before you start in your country, start in your city...and so on. Everybody out there take a slice of what they think they can handle and make creativity your best weapon! As captain of the ship, your job is to EDUCATE and VIBRATE, let your vibes radiate and get people to meditate on what it is you are preaching. Rise people up. When people see what you are doing, they will want to join you or hate you and imitate you. Either is good as long as they are doing something. Let the fake people be fake, because amongst their herds could be some gems they've accidentally awakened.
Believe it or not, there are lots of people who don't know how to donate money and where. There are people that have the ability to do whatever whenever but don't know how to do anything. There are people who dream of contributing a bit of themselves to help the world, but have no direction. I get asked such innocent questions like, "How did you get over there?" or "Do you know any good charities I can give to", and more commonly, "Is there a website I can look at or anything that talks more about it?"
5. Whether your issue is to fight poverty, genocide, corruption, for more books in the classroom, limiting teenage pregnancy, hatred, war...whatever...you must be willing to take a beating for your causes if you are the leader. And there MUST be a leader, who delegates what needs to be done...when, where, how, and by who. Without a focused captain, the ship will sink. Never let your enemies know your ship is sinking or your that your crew mates are creating problems. Build harmonic TEAMS. Beware of "fillers" and eliminate them as soon as possible. Fillers are troublemakers, really bored people with no life that just like to waffle around and stir problems. They act like they are with you, but instead they'll do everything to distract you or bring you down to prevent you from reaching your objective. Scan for fillers right away and trust your gut when you eliminate them.
Keep only golden people around you who know there are no monetary awards, only personal ones to be gained. Usually people will jump on board a project and get pushy to move it along. When they see the seriousness of the project and the work that is required of them, they hide out and get lost. Their passion was never initially true. Make sure your crew mates are just as passionate as you for your causes, but understand that it is normal to lose many of them along the journey. Do not lose sight of your vision. At this point, you should have your issue, your instructions and map, and a crew that you are forever building. You have friends, family members, formed alliances with like-organizations and crews, and are amplifying and synthesizing for your cause. Good.
Now, let's address why we are going to do all this and what exactly all this is really about.
First, look at the world as if it were filled with billions of babies. Some may have birth certificates that say they are over 70, but still, they act like babies. The majority of the population of the world is programmed, brainwashed, droned, told what to do, what to like, how to think, and how to use a computer mouse.
The world needs instructions to operate. The majority of people around us can't form opinions on their own. This explains why Louis Vuitton is so hot, even though anybody with TRUE style sense knows those are the ugliest products ever. Customers associate quality with a price tag, even if a shirt is made with toilet paper. This also explains why one Ebay seller with two of the exact same things being sold on Ebay will watch one item go for $200 with 60 bidders and the other will disappear at $.99 with 0 bids. It's sad to say, but some people need to be told exactly what to do, what is cool, and exactly how to do anything. That's why we need YOU.
Project How is about teaching our friends, family, neighbors, cities, nations, countries, and policymakers HOW to get things done effectively and productively -- to truly move the world forward so that we may evolve and collectively achieve peace instead of watching societies get degraded, eliminated, downsized, and do nothing to stop the suffering everywhere and heal earth's gaping ulcer.
Start something that means a lot to you. Get the community involved and create synergy. The more solid synergy you create, the more the vibe you are creating will roll into a bigger ball and attract others just like you. The time is now for Project HOW. Make it your project and show the world the biggest ball of light instigated by YOU. That is true illumination. Illumination is nothing if only you have it and you share it with nobody. Illumination is about spreading light across entire nations. It's about wearing that crown that shines like the sun on your head, and getting other minds to synergize with yours. If you ever wonder why you feel broken, lost, empty, sad...super bored...it is because your light is standing alone. We are taught to believe that the 'alienation' that we experience is a craving for something sexual, material, or in the physical - and can be cured by popping a pill in most cases. When in Truth, it's the circuitry within our souls and minds that is hinting to be connected - to real flowing energy - outside of our TV and computer monitors.
We were never meant to be so separated, segregated, divided, and classified. Never. We were made to build, synergize, amplify, and evolve. If you study animals, they line up and flock in herds - primal instinct. We create communities - social instinct. Many cultural and religious practices call for the alignment of men for prayers, shoulder to shoulder, a circle to be formed, or some form of connectivity be created with a group. Light only gets brighter when more light is added to it, or energy within is intensified. Both sound and light can be amplified with like combined and unified. Your job is to create positive alliances for your cause. To create as much synergy as possible for moving your cause. To create energy. Lots of it. But most importantly, tell people HOW to do what needs to be done. Keep spreading HOW TO DO it. In detail. Spread it everywhere.
So, go out there and create communities of light. It really is no coincidence that the economy is stagnant and many of my generation are finding themselves in tight situations. If everything was moving smoothly, perhaps we wouldn't have the time to stop, look, and listen to the deterioration going on outside. Now is the time to open your minds, amplify, and synergize...
Tell me friends,
Do you really need anymore signs?
Suzy Kassem
777 Alert 777 Code 777