Heart Over Mind

I am going to share a little secret with some of you that will make you see yourselves and the world differently. This is my New Years gift to all of you.

For every 1000 people, only 7 of them are truly 'awake'. Most people believe that illumination comes from the mind, and they believe this simply because they see paintings and pictures of saints, sages, and even Jesus with bright halos around or above their heads. People also assume that just because they are aware of all the distortions in the world - that they are awake. This is not true. Staying informed does not mean you are elevated -- only educated. There is a difference.

To be awake means your heart is activated. Your heart is everything, not your mind. Your mind is simply there to reason with your heart. There is a crystal embedded in a fold in each of your hearts that triggers a magnetic field that extends out to your brain -- which also has a tiny crystal embedded in each of your pineal glands. Your heart is what tells your mind what to do -- OR SHOULD. Now how can you tell who is truly "awake" and who is fake?

Very easy. Like I said a thousand times before, the light of love sees no walls. Those that are truly awake and have activated their hearts see no division or barriers amongst others. They are usually the folks that approach you without fear, they interact with others freely and openly. They are very childlike and you can feel their hearts through their actions and reactions. Just because someone reads books on Buddhism, paints images of divine souls or revolutionary art - does not mean they are "activated". Many of these people are 'surface' but no 'substance' - and I know very well who they are. Their actions, personalities, and demeanor are not those of elevated souls - only trendy impersonators that have yet to awaken. The heart is what elevates a person, not the mind. He who acts and shares with LOVE is AWAKE. Again, for every 1000, there are only 7.

Pay attention. When the world shifts its focus on heart over mind, we will finally experience a beautiful global village for our children. He who speaks and acts through his heart, is truly tapped into the cosmic heart of the universe. Truth is in the heart, not the mind. He who needs his mind to understand everything, is not elevated. He has yet a very long way to go.

-- Suzy Kassem aka Blue Panther 777

Excerpt taken from my book: Rise Up and Salute the Sun - The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Suzy Kassem heart over mind.

The Past Has Passed

suzy kassemNever look back. The past is done. The future is a blank canvas. Work on creating a masterpiece. Only YOU have the power to make your painting beautiful. -- Suzy Kassem

The Bowerbird of New Guinea

At 16:15, you'll meet the Bowerbird of New Guinea, the coolest bird in the world.

Birds were created to record everything. They were not designed just to be beautiful jewels in the sky, but to serve as the eyes of heaven.

The Sun is My Heart's Temple

Would you believe me if I told you that all answers of the universe are contained in the sun? Look up into it as it rises over the horizon -- and as it awakens, so will you. This is the quickest route to illumination. Study the solar flares, and you will see a correlation in the movements of our environments and shifts in humanity. T...he sun is our greatest power source and it arouses all people the same way as it arouses plants and animals. Put down your sunscreen and look into the sun. Every time you hear about abnormal sun activity, look around and see what changed on earth. THE SUN IS EVERYTHING. Our ancestors have been trying to convey the secret of the sun's energy across different civilizations and cultures. Some people can read the sun just as one could read tea leaves in a cup. The sun is not only vital for our growth, our vision, our health, and our crops -- but it OPENS UP OUR MINDS and makes us remember where we came from and why.

I realized that, I wasn't able to write anything in the States because I couldn't see the sunrise from where I sat near my window. In Egypt, I watch the sun rise every morning from my balconies, and from its energy, words flow out of me like water gushing out of a running faucet. The sun gives me energy and inspiration. I have to look into it every morning, and if I miss it, I can't write a thing. I owe all my writing to the sun. For without it, there would be no light in anything I write. - Suzy Kassem (12/22/10)

The Ink of a Scholar

suzy kassem

“The ink of a scholar is more sacred than the blood of a martyr.”
--Prophet Muhammad

The above words were spoken by Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago. He made this wise statement that those who are scholars or wise persons and use their scholarship to produce great writings so that others may benefit in the present as well as the future are more esteemed and more vital to the rise of truth than one who dies for the truth. Those of us who produce written words can affect people into the generations to come. We can very well live on eternally through our words.

Also, we can touch the lives of many through our writings. This is not said to belittle the people who have died in the way of truth. Many times, historically, deaths have set off great events and revolutions, but it is more valuable to live for the truth than die for the truth. We can do a lot more for the truth in life than death.

The mighty pen and paper have started many revolutions in this world. It was the pen writing down the words of God in the Quran that led to Arabia being revolutionized 1400 years ago. It was the reacquiring of knowledge, from the Spanish Moors Muslims, that led Europe to come out of her dark ages into her own renaissance. It was reading the works of great writers that opened up the darkened mind of the then Malcolm Little, who latter became Malcolm X, a fighter for Freedom, Justice and Equality.

The world has been changed and renewed at one time or another by the writings of great minds who have left behind great wisdom for us to study and grow from. They live through their words, and change is produced by their words. And despite they may have physically died, their minds still live on in their words bearing witness to the profound statement that: “The ink of a scholar is more sacred than the blood of a martyr.”


Lilies Bloom at Twilight

Travel in 2011

If you are looking for something to MOVE YOU or something to DO in 2011, TRAVEL MORE. Choose a place you always wanted to go and GO. In the squirts of time that I move around, I live a thousand lifetimes. And then when I go back to the States, everyone is still on the same one....and it moves very very very SLOW. Travel expands the mind and eliminates ignorance. Life becomes a constant exploration rather than a predictable sitcom. If you want to change the world, don't you think you should see it first? - Suzy Kassem

suzy kassem travel


2011 is all about BE-COMING the person you were meant to BE. You should know all that is right from wrong by now, and this upcoming year is about BEING what you know -- BECOMING THE LIGHT YOU WERE MEANT TO BE!!

If you have anything holding you back, let go of it. If you have too many obstacles, jump over them. If people are holding you down, release them. If there are too many standards, laws, customs, restrictions, barriers, walls - skip them. Change directions if you have to, or start fresh if it makes sense to. Then put on some wings, listen to your conscience (heart), and try to BE the best you can BE. You are all FREE to do as you wish while you still can. The only person strapping on the limitations is yourself -- YOUR MIND. Follow the heart. Stand up for the heart and you will have fewer regrets in the end. If you keep following the guidelines of everything, your heart will be sitting on the sidelines of everything. - Suzy Kassem


rise up and salute the sun by suzy kassem

Rise Up and Salute the Sun

Read my book and please share it when you are done.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the SunSuzy KassemSuzy KassemSuzy KassemSuzy Kassem,Rise Up and Salute the SunSuzy Kassem

Hazards of Life

You may be a great driver, but the person who crashes into you isn't. You may be a great parent, but the person who teaches your kid isn't. - SK

Aware of the Aware

suzy kassem

"When you are aware, they are aware of you. Beware, but don't be scared. They are, or else they wouldn't care." - SUZY KASSEM

How to Revitalize You and Your Plants


You can't bring back the dead, but you can bring good health to the sick -- if you know some secret tricks.

One of the greatest weapons for healing comes straight from Mother Earth. Crystals soak in all the vibrations of the universe. Each crystal is as multidimdensional as truth, and each panel contains a thousands uses or messages in itself. The vibrations from crystals can heal the incurable if you know how to activate and initiate them.

When you look at a crystal all you see is a piece of glass, but you do not see the trillion of vibrations emitting inside, outside, and all around it. At one point in history, the great pyramids of Giza were covered in flawless slates of crystal over huge blocks of limestone. When the sun reflected its rays on them, they emitted an intense ethereal light that brought the sky and earth together. The intensity was so great it powered the world. The pyramids were the motherboard of civilization, and proves the ancient were masters of cultivating energy fields way before Tesla, Einstein, or Edison.

If you take a crystal and put it at super cold below zero temperatures, it will emit light and move like liquid. There are several minerals that can do this, and this is also how within the deepest parts of our seas, the ocean floor lights up to form a world of crystalline. But because it is impossibly for a human to go down that steep, we will never have an actual human witness. At below zero temperatures, crystal amplifies LIGHT.

Before you use a crystal you have to purify its vibrations. The best way to do this is to leave it in white salt for 7 days. When you remove it from the salt, pour water with lemon over the salt to purify it before you get rid of it down the sink. Then hold the crystal in your hand over running water. It will pick up your energies and flow with you.

You can also initiate crystals by holding one up over head in the shower. Just remember, just because you can't see anything, does not mean its not balancing and purifying your energies. Every time you use a crystal, purify it for another 7 days so you always have clean vibrations to work with. Make sure you always pour lemon water on the salt to free it of the negative vibes it soaked from your crystal.

Always treat your crystals with care. It has a pulse like you. Re-energize it in sunrise sunlight on a window sill inside or outside on a balcony.

Plant crystals in the earth of your gardens, in front of your homes and backyards. It is always best to use clear white quartz. Remember, they become activated through running water. Run sprinklers and hoses freely. For inside plants, stick solid quartz crystals in the dirt and water the soil. You will notice additional little plants grow and stems breathe life again. If a bulb is dead or leaves have wilted, a crystal can not regenerate what is already gone. It will try to save what is left and give its own heart to do so. Same with your soul. Treat crystals good.

There's a lot of truth in Superman. Crystal technology when understood is way more advanced than any technology we currently use now. The simple activation methods I am showing you how to use now are considered the baby stuff. Crystals can also be activated from sonar and solar waves.

We have crystal in our pineal gland, in our caves and earth, in our computers, in our seas and deserts, and in a tiny neuron in our hearts that works as the motherboard of our personal systems. It is this neuron that controls the mind via a magnetic field that joins the heart and brain. There are crystals in our oceans that work the same way, but have been moved from their places from tides and Time. These crystals were planted by our ancestors in the form of pyramids to keep a harmonic resonance intact around the earth. These pyramids also exist on top of earth and inside the sun in the earth, and on other planets throughout the galaxy, that all work together to create balance throughout the universe.

Your crystal keeps you tapped into the magnetic grid that surrounds our planet. What you bounce from your crystal will reflect back onto you. Pour love into your crystal and it will amplify the love you give it -- to empower and heal you.

Forget its hippie reputation, crystals will one day surface to be the hot topic to rock the nation.

By Suzy Kassem

Copyright 2010, Suzy Kassem. All rights reserved.

The Sun is My Lover

Out of all the cities in the world, I create and write best in Alexandria, Egypt.

Even though it's as cold as the south pole where I'm at now near the water, I still sit on my balcony and stay up until 2 hours after sunrise to watch the sun come up. Why? Because somehow I feel the greatest surge of energy about half an hour before the sun comes up until it is UP. Everything I write comes from those moments of staring up at the sun. Thoughts come to me in streams and scream for me to share them with others. And if they are too complicated for me, and I ignore them, then nothing comes to me for days. And when I was in the States and had no balcony where I could gaze up at the sun, I stopped writing anything new.

Now, what if I told you the sun tells me what to write? He is my lover who is also my father. He who symbolizes LIGHT.

Be Hope For the Hopeless

If anybody has a friend or knows of someone that has suicidal tendencies, or feels lost or depressed and needs someone to lift them, PLEASE send them my way. I know how to handle these people. We cant lose anymore of our generation. The highest suicide rate this year was in September. Most of them were in their twenties to late 30s. Pay attention.

The Light of Love Sees No Walls

Understand CAUSE and EFFECT because it may save your soul.

For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction, and no thought or action goes unnoticed throughout the universe. We have seen the effects of an oil spill, the results of a hurricane, and the reactions of hate and love. It is time for everyone to act using their hearts. It is time for people to think and speak through their CONSCIENCE!

LOVE is the true universal language because it is understood through the heart. And all hearts grieve, love, and share similar desires, fears, and dreams. The pulse of man is one and the same. We have to eliminate the exceptions and misconceptions -- and immoral measurements. Every soul on earth is equally precious - even those of plants and animals. If you see love in one area, and not another - you are not reflecting true love -- only a deficiency in knowledge. The light of love sees no walls.

Stand up for justice and peace, if you want a global garden for your children. Do not think that your passive actions will not be accounted for, since you ARE being informed and are aware of injustices and distortions of truth happening on every scale -- every day. Once you become consciously aware of a problem, you will be judged by your reaction to it. When you quiet the voice in your heart out of fear, you will have something greater to fear in the end. A worthless soul that does not stand for anything will eventually be condemned -- regardless of faith. Ignoring your conscience is worse than forgetting your own mother, or taking the life of another human. EVERY thought or action must first pass through your heart. Truth is in the heart. Your heart is the mouth of God. He who stands by his heart, stands by God. - Suzy Kassem (12/07/10)

The Untamed

He said I was as domesticated as a mountain lion, and I laughed as he roared. But then later when I found myself smoking a spliff alone in a cafe in Amsterdam, I realized he was right. A tamed mind rarely strays outside of the box. -- BP 777

The Image of a Friend

For someone to be in your life, there's got to be some kind of interaction or word from them that qualifies them to be ACTIVE in it. If there isn't, then technically they aren't in your life. They're in your yearbook - closed and irrelevant. - S.K

Accepting Polarities

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe

Celestial Orgins