Distortion on the Net

These are the only pages online that were created by ME:



  • I do not use Twitter, Linkedin, Soundcloud, or Myspace.
  •  I am straight as an arrow, but I do not date anybody or have any children. 
  •  I spend most of my time in Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Goa, Kingston, and Alexandria, Egypt.
  •  I am an extremely private person and do not like to do interviews. I have had my words edited on an interview before to suit the views of the interviewer. I will never do an interview again.
  •  I have never worked in Egypt or lived in Watertown, Massachusetts -- only Boston.
  • I am a world citizen and humanist. My religion is LOVE. 
  • Where there is no Truth, you will not find me. 
suzy kassem

  • I have worked as a music video director, commercial director for many brands, and wrote and directed two short films: www.solangefilms.com or www.harmonyparker.com.
  • I have written volumes of work viewable all over the internet and am also the author of the book: Rise Up and Salute the Sun
  • I am an an artist of many dimensions: a painter, scribe, and poet.
  • I am a serious thinker, social critic, and contemporary philosopher. My body of work makes this very evident.
  • I am NOT an entertainer, never have been, and have no interest in standing on public platforms before people.
  • I am a natural metaphysicist, cosmologist, spiritualist, and metallurgist -- and intuitively understand the chemistry between metals and all vibrating things, the laws of harmony, the universe, our Creator, and the principles of Truth and Justice. This is something that can be learned, or be born already knowing. I fit in the second category. Again, my writings prove this.
  • Egyptology has been a lifelong passion and study of mine that will never cease. To know everything there is to know about my ancestors and be an expert in this field does not require a nod from any famed institution. To know who I am and where I come from is a mandatory divine obligation.The heart is what decodes the language of Light and all truths pertaining to ancient Egypt. These truths run through my blood and are stored in my DNA.
  • I am a streamer and write best between the hours of 3 a.m until one hour after sunrise. 
  • The Suzy of yesterday is no longer the woman you will speak of tomorrow.
    My interests and styles are always changing. I am constantly evolving to become a better human. Nobody knows everything, and it takes more than one lifetime to know the whole Truth. However, my specialty is in sharing knowledge and wisdom gained from my personal experiences and observations. My heart is my temple and my conscience sits on the highest alter inside it. If you come to me with a golden heart and a hand of friendship, I will not refuse you. The light of love sees no walls.
  • I write this only because I want my own words and actions to reveal to the world who I am and what I can do. I am a a true citizen of the world and a transdimensional human who is tapped into the universe. Let my words be my sword and remember me always as a fighter for truth, justice, and your children.