The International Truth Police


Stand up to hypocrisy. If you don't, the hypocrites will teach. Stand up to ignorance, because if you let the ignorant run free, they will spread ignorance like a disease. Stand up for Truth, because if you don't, there is no Truth to your existence . Don't be afraid to make enemies, for it is the way of the true light warrior. If everyone likes you for what you represent, then know that what you really are representing is not Truth, but a fashion statement. Enemies will be revealed to you in the presence of real Truth by turning their backs on you or disrupting your path. They know your light can walk over their darkness, and in your eyes, their flaws and superficiality are revealed. A true light warrior will stand up to anybody or anything regardless of consequences, because if they hold back, they deny Truth and that is something they can't do no matter how hard they may try.

Beware of those that say they are with you and stand for the same issues, yet they do not walk with you or support anything you do. They may take your teachings and ideas and present them as their own, and then act like they don't know you. Those people do not understand synergy which is the true way to peace. One who "divides" and sets up dividers within scenes and forms clans and so forth, should not be standing up and talking about peace on any level. Those people, only do what they do to catch up on the popularity contests they missed out on high school. A true light warrior will repetitively call out those people in front of the public or via "dormant" means and warn the fakers to sit back down and shut up. If you really care for the causes you preach about, go out there and actively get involved.

We already have way too many people profiting off the concept of peace, and we don't have enough people out in the field actually helping with their own hands or taking beatings for the causes they supposedly care about. I've been there, and I've taken enough beatings with scars and maxed out passports to prove it, so don't tell me that you have too because I've never crossed paths with you. Tell me son, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? If you can't answer that question, I will shoot you down with the only weapons I know - Truth and long as you shall falsely BE.

-Suzy Kassem